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Create the file tree and necessary data files to begin building a resume.


build_base_directory(relpath = NULL)



the desired project path relative to your working directory.


#> ── Setting project paths ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Your current path is: /tmp/RtmpxhNRJk/
#> Set your desired project path relative to your current path: 
#> You entered the path: /tmp/RtmpxhNRJk/
#> Setting your project root to: /tmp/RtmpxhNRJk/
#> File .here already exists in /tmp/RtmpxhNRJk
#> ! File already exists: .Rprofile (skipping) 
#> ! File already exists: mycv.Rproj (skipping) 
#>  Writing to: ../../../../../../../tmp/RtmpxhNRJk
#> ── Creating directory tree ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ! Folder already exists: . (skipping) 
#> ! Folder already exists: R (skipping) 
#> ! Folder already exists: R/input (skipping) 
#> ! Folder already exists: R/output (skipping) 
#> ! Folder already exists: R/applications (skipping) 
#> ── Writing skeleton data files ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ! File already exists: R/input/resume_data.xlsx (skipping) 
#> ! File already exists: R/input/cover_data.xlsx (skipping) 
#> ! File already exists: R/input/job_metadata.yml (skipping) 
#> ── Writing resume-building notebooks ───────────────────────────────────────────
#> ! File already exists: resume.Rmd (skipping) 
#> ! File already exists: cv.Rmd (skipping)